Thank you for your comments, suggestions and concern. I am pretty shell shocked. For awhile now I have been eating a whole foods diet so there are not a lot of “goodies” I need to do without. There is a wealth of information on the internet, but it is going to take some time to learn it. I saw Doctor #2 today and she drew blood for a number of tests. I was amazed to learn the she is also gluten intolerant (just like Doctor #1 from yesterday) and so is her Mom. She gave me great advice and pointed me to some helpful stores in the area. One store even gives classes on living Gluten Free. She also told me she felt exactly the same way at first. And she was afraid to eat anything for fear it might be the wrong thing. Now she’s an expert – it does get easier as you learn. Just like anything else. The soy part is going to be the hardest. Thank God for the internet. I have already found some recipes I will need to make mayo or salad dressing, etc.
I am trying to keep a positive attitude. I have felt so poorly for so long. If this really makes me feel better – well, that’s exciting and is worth whatever it takes. And of course losing weight is a big bonus :) I’ll believe that when I see it!
And, on a brighter note, Trap Shooting is on Sunday afternoon!!! Woohoo! I can’t wait. I ordered a modified choke for my shotgun but it hasn’t come in yet. Darn. But truly, full choke or modified, I don’t care. I just want to shoot my shotgun at those flying targets! :)