Friday, January 13, 2012

A Visit to the Elk Preserve

On our way to somewhere else, we have passed this place several times. Sometimes you can see Elk out in the field, sometimes not.  Over the Thanksgiving weekend we made it a point to stop and we were amazed at what we found. 

When we pulled into the parking lot we thought the Elk by the sign was a statue. I almost screamed when he moved :)  (sissy girl, you know).  It turned out that there were two large Elk in the parking area and we were able to get up quite close.  They seemed docile but we didn't let our guard down.  Evidently they can be very aggressive during rutting season, but the rut was over so we just lucked out.  I took a zillion pictures.  I hope you enjoy them. 

Look at the size of this guy!

We could see more bucks out in the field relaxing.

Down the road a ways were the cows.
We spotted a few bucks among them, but for the most part the bucks were in the upper field.

What a totally awesome day!  Thanks for sharing it with me.




  1. Outstanding Red, thanks for sharing. They are just beautiful animals.

  2. I could sit there for hours, they are so beautiful.

  3. Food on the hoof..nice pictures.

  4. Beautiful animal. Thanks for the pics.

  5. Wow! I would have given a squeak myself, seeing that magnificent reature moving! How beautiful they are...Thanks for sharing with us.

  6. Wow! Awesome pictures!!! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm pretty sure I would have done something a little worse than screaming when that big guy moved... (something involving a change of clothing) LOL

  7. I like seeing animals out like that. Thanks for the post.

  8. Wow! What a site that is.
    They just look so happy!


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