Thursday, December 20, 2012



3/10/11 – 12/13/12


Rest in peace pretty girl, I miss you.

Harriet was my first chicken and my favorite.  She made me laugh on a daily basis.  She was the leader of the pack and always the one to blaze a new trail. She was fast, she was fluffy, she was incredibly friendly.  I know she was just a chicken, but I was pretty darned fond of her.

A predator took her life. Now we’re going after the predator with a live trap.  Harriet was the second hen we’ve lost to this predator. I think it’s a raccoon, but we’ll see.  The loss of the first hen made me feel bad, but the loss of Harriet was different. For two days after she died, the other hens would not venture away from their pen unless we were with them.

Dang.  I miss that chicken.  Sounds kind of crazy, doesn’t it?




  1. Of course it doesn't sound crazy. You have a sweet heart!

  2. No crazier than me! I'll never forget my first 2 chickens, we got them at the same time, Chicken Noodle and Chicken Little. It's been years, but I still remember how fond I was of them and how much I missed them when they were gone. I have some great chickens now, but I'll never forget those first two.

    1. Thank you for sharing that! Now I don't feel so bad. It's nice to know I'm not the only one :)

  3. I hate me some racoons! Had to put all of my chicks at my Daughters place due to the carnage from the coons here. I hope you catch and dispatch the critter quickly! If you plan on releasing it for whatever reason...a minimum of five miles away...or they come back! Sorry about your sad heart my friend! I love chickens, so I know just how you feel!

    1. Thanks, my friend. We just found out that raccoons are not supposed to be transported. Evidently they are not native and need to be exterminated :) YAY! I'm all for that :)


  4. It doesn't sound crazy to me. I hope you catch the predator before any more are lost.

    1. Thank you. The trap is set - now we wait for the varmint.
      Christmas blessings!

  5. I miss my Fancy. She was more than a chicken. She came and sat beside me in the swing when none of the others even cared much. She relaxed, sighed and leaned against me. She talked to me all the time. If I went out and sat on the bench and got out my phone to talk to my friend, Donna, soon Fancy was there, talking to me, getting right up beside me, interrupting the conversation. I really think she thought I was talking to her. My friend Donna noticed that Fancy was never there, but came closer and closer. Fancy was the designated beggar for the group. Thelma and Louise stayed on the ground while Fancy came up the steps and on the porch, talking to me through the door until I came with food. I love Fancy, still.

    Raccoons eat out the breast. Raccoons like a strawberry. If the bait is tasty to cats, you will keep getting cats. One day, I caught a squirrel. Soon, the squirrel was only a head because the raccoon pulled the squirrel, limb by limb through the trap.

    You can use a ball of squashed foil to attract raccoons because they are curious and like shiny things. The cat won't be interested, especially the one you just caught.

    Raccoons cannot be relocated here in AL because the one transported might have a disease not in the population where you release it. Animal control takes them to the dog pound to be dispatched humanely. Lead poisoning is swift, therefore humane, in my opinion. Good luck. I hate raccoons.

    1. Fancy sounds like a wonderful chicken. We may find our predator is not really a raccoon at all. Both of the chickens were beheaded, and no other meat was eaten. Yuk. I read that skunks will do that.
      Our other chickens still will not go to that part of the yard without us.

      Thanks for stopping by. You are always welcome here :)



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