Thursday, December 13, 2012

That Old Pile of Bricks


See the snow covered pile of bricks next to the barn?  I purchased those bricks from my former employer on April 1, 2004 for $240.

In July of this year, my sister came to visit and we went to Seattle for a few days.  What happened while we were gone is nothing short of a miracle.  Okay, maybe not a miracle, but definitely astonishing!

Below is a series of before and after pictures.

brick pile


This picture shows the gravel pathway along the left side of the barn.  It also shows the gate going out to the driveway on the right.

gravel walkway


This is the “before” picture of the left side.



This is what it looks like now.



This is the before picture of the right side.



This is what it looks like now. (With three beautiful custom made boxes for shade veggies in the summer)



This is the same place but looking from the opposite direction.  Before….



And after!



I need to leave town more often.  MUCH more often!


Thanks for stopping by!





  1. Replies
    1. No, it was just a crazy and wonderful "for no reason surprise"! I'd been waiting 8 years and had given up all hope :) You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw it.

      All I want for Christmas is a cast iron dutch oven - enameled in Red (or blue, I'm not too picky!).

      Take care my friend.

  2. Lovely. It all looks so neat, which iis what I am all about!

    1. Thank you :) It has made such a difference. We get so much rain it was always a mess. Now it may be wet, but there's no mud :) I love it!

  3. That just reminds me of all the projects I have waiting around the house to be done. Looks real nice though

    1. Thanks! I think there will forever and always be projects that need to be done. And if we got them all done we would think up some new ones :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I am sooo glad you are back and blogging! (I fell off the blog wagon myself) Your yard is awesome...if you really need alot of work done just come to Texas! Ha Ha! Your pictures have inspired me to get crackin' around here...Be blessed my friend!

    1. I would love to come to Texas! One of these days maybe we will :)

  5. It looks fabulous! I bet it'll make your life a little easier. Enjoy!

  6. wow! that looks really pretty and he did a good job!

    1. Thank you :) He did an awesome job. I never knew he could do that and was pretty amazed. Ever since, I have been dreaming up new projects for him - such talent should not be wasted!!! LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you. He did an outstanding job! What a guy :)


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