Sunday, January 13, 2013

Missing The Gun Rally

I flew down to Southern California yesterday to spend a week with my folks.  The flight was uneventful, as was the security at the airport.  The weather is chilly but SUNNY with beautiful blue skies.  Maybe I'll stay until summer :)

Seriously, I will probably not be blogging much this week, although I will try.

I received an email this morning from Oregon Firearms Federation, passing on the schedule for a Pro-Gun rally at the state capital.  If you live in the Pacific Northwest and can attend, it will be on the 19th of January in Salem.  I understand people are coming from far and wide, and also that this will be taking place all over the country.  Salem, Oregon is an OPEN CARRY, (unloaded) city.  So if you go, please carry your gun. If you don't own a gun please go anyway to support your right to own one.

I will be flying over Salem about that time, on my way home.  Bummer.  I would have liked to attend.  My husband can't attend either because he has to pick me up at the airport.  Double bummer :( :(

Mom's up - gotta go!



  1. Yea it is a national campaign to make January 19th National Firearms Day..

  2. JUGM,
    That just shows how out of touch I am! I hope the rallies are super successful.
    Thanks for stopping by.


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