Saturday, February 23, 2013

Coffee With Jesus

Every morning I spend time reading my Bible. It makes a difference in how the day goes.  My Mom gave me a little devotional book called "Jesus Calling", by Sarah Young, and I read a page each day and then the scripture that goes with it.  Well, as you know, yesterday was not a very good day for me. And last night, even though the leg cramps were not as severe, sleep was not good.  I fully expected another blue day as I poured my first cup of coffee.

When I sat down and opened my little book, this is what today's lesson said:

"Be on guard against the pit of self pity.  When you are weary or unwell, this demonic trap is the greatest danger you face.  Don't even go near the edge of the pit.  Its edges crumble easily, and before you know it you are on the way down.  It is ever so much harder to get out of the pit than to keep a safe distance from it."

My reaction was a grateful heart followed by a fit of joyful giggles.  I showed Tim and we laughed together.

What great timing.  God is so good.

Today was much better.  In fact, today was a great day!

I hope yours was too.




  1. Praying for you my friend! I will believe for healing..not only you physically but also for your son and his wife's marriage. You are in my thoughts and hold on tight to Jesus!

    1. Thank you, my friend. One of these days I'm coming to Texas just to have lunch with you :)
      God Bless!

  2. It should not surprise me but it still does how the Father shows us exactly what is needed to be seen at exactly the right time. I am glad you had a great day!

    1. Mama Bear,
      Amen! It still amazes me whenever it happens. And the closer I walk with Him, the more often it does.
      Thanks for your prayers.

  3. Hang in there, Pretty Lady. That gun ban bill hasn't the legs to stand...fight back.

    1. Thank you Stephen, I'm trying :) Thousands of emails and phone calls have clogged up the system down in Salem . Serves them right!


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