Saturday, February 9, 2013

Let's Talk About Word Verification

Way back when I had word verification on my blog, there was just a word - and you could read it.  Now there are letters that sometimes are impossible to read and numbers too small to decipher.

When I decided to boldly go into the land of "Word Verification Free" blogging I was a bit uneasy.  What would happen if some horrible person put something really bad in my comments?  That's when I realized that first of all I would get an email with the comment right away, and second, Blogger is REALLY good at screening out the spam.

So I did it.  And guess what?  Not one single offensive comment has appeared on my blog.  Blogger catches all comments that are not genuine.

So, all I'm saying is this - if you still have word verification active on your blog, why not be bold and try the freedom of doing without the pesky thing?  I bet your readers will comment more.  And if you are still too uncertain, comment moderation is another good choice.

Quite often I would love to say something about a blog post I just read, but either I don't have the time to mess with the verification, or I just get too frustrated trying to find one I can actually read!  I'm pretty sure I am not alone in this.

Please, won't you join the movement to eliminate word verification????

Just my opinion :)




  1. I dropped word verification two months after the birth of my blog and haven't had too many problems since...I also put a stop to all anonymous comments which further helped with snark and bad language. People are brave when they need not leave their true name. Bravo, proud of you. There's a 'word verification free tag' at my place...snag a copy.

    1. Truth be told - I already snagged it :) I agree about the anonymous comments. People say some pretty ugly stuff when they can hide behind that tag.

  2. I followed Stephen's lead shortly before WV got really difficult. Blogger did a fairly good job of catching spam until recently. Within the last couple of weeks, I've had a rash of spam on older posts. I activated comment moderation for posts over 14 days old. That seems to have done the trick.

    1. I didn't know you could do that. That's a great idea. Thanks for the info :)

  3. word verification is a royal pain in the patoot-toot. What I did do was go in and edit who could respond to my blog. I got tired of seeing someone named "Anonymous" commenting. I also blocked one particular blogger whos initials I will not use because she follows some of you all. But she is a flaming liberal, and seemed to also try to incite a argument with me...grrrrr

    1. JUGM, I agree about the Anonymous comments. Some people like to hide behind that tag. I, fortunately do not know the liberal woman you blocked. So far I have not gotten any comments like that. Hopefully it will stay that way :)

  4. I don't have word verification but I do have to approve all comments before they are visible. I haven't had any ugly remarks but I have had advertisers try to post many comments that would lead to their web pages. I'm not comfortable being an advertisement for web pages unless they are some that I have personally chosen... All that to say - I don't like word verification either.

    1. I think comment moderation is great. That way you know what is going on your blog before anyone else sees it. If I ever get any really unsettling comments I will switch to moderation too. I have pretty thin skin :)


After getting multiple spam comments from Anonymous users, I have had to disable that part of my comments. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Please sign up and say hello!