Wednesday, April 24, 2013

No Time or Energy To Post

I have been at my Mother's for over a week now and last night was the first time I had the energy to turn on my computer.  I visited as many of you as I could but left no comments.  Tim will be here on Saturday and we will fill up the containers with furniture and boxes to bring back home.  This has been an incredibly emotional time.  Watching my Mom let go of everything she has collected and loved all these years has been painful for me.  Some things are coming home with me because she just needed to know that someone wanted them.  Many of her belongings were her Mother's before her, and her Mother's before her.  Generations and heirlooms.  Her home will never be the same, nor will mine.

The house now belongs to my Sister and her husband, and the next time I come to see my folks it will be as a guest of my Sister.  Construction has already begun on the Master bedroom and bathroom. (It was needed badly).  I will be eternally grateful that they were willing to make this move so that Mom and Dad could stay in this house and be cared for by someone who loves them.  I know they will be in good and loving hands for  the rest of their days on this Earth.  Still, this is hard.  This forces me to accept the reality of their mortality.  I don't want to face that. I need them.  I will always need them.



  1. It is good you are helping out there and I know your mom is happy to see things go home with you too! I know my parents are getting older also, as my mom has said "do you want this or that" to me lately...just rest in the knowledge that our Heavenly Father has provided your sister for them and He is with you all through the transitions. Praying for you my friend!

  2. Thanks, Marie. You're right, He is in control and it always makes things easier if I keep that in mind!



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