Monday, September 16, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Wood Floor
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Blogger Issue
Thursday, August 29, 2013
I must say it was a bittersweet time for both of us. We want to have pasture to raise our own beef, but we truly loved those trees and have lived with them for 17 years. The first day of logging I was in tears several times. It was gut wrenching. Every tree that came down shook the house when it hit the earth. It was quite loud and scared my poor dogs to death.. But now we are looking forward to next spring when the grass is planted and the fencing is in place. We will have ample room for a huge garden with no worries about big trees blocking the sun. As hard as it was, we are both happy with our decision. We didn't make as much money off the lumber as we had hoped, but when all is said and done I think I will still get that barn I've always wanted. And, of course it will be RED!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
I'm Still Alive!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Tomorrow It Begins - Finally!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Any suggestions?????
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Chances Are
My Grandfather is the dashing gentleman that is being framed by the pink draperies. My Grandmother is sitting next to him, on his right, but her face is almost completely hidden by the flowers in the center of the table. You can see her large white earring and black hair. My Mother is the third person to the right of my Grandmother. I'm sure she had her long red hair pulled back in a pony tail. The lady in the center-front of the picture, with the hat and purple dress was my Great Grandmother. This was her dining room. She had 12 children and lived in a mansion. (I never saw it although I have pictures of it and there are some on the Internet at the Historical Society). The rest of the people are my Great Aunts and Uncles and their spouses. Most of them are gone now, but I remember them well.
As you know, I recently brought home two POD-like storage containers filled with furniture and boxes from my Mom's. Among the heirlooms that will soon be in my living room is the beautiful camel-back sofa that came from my Great-Grandmother's mansion. I even have a photograph of her sitting on it with my Great-Grandfather. I am humbled to be the next in line to own that piece. I will take good care of it.
I've never told anyone before that my Great-Grandparents were wealthy and lived in a mansion. He died before I was born, and she died when I was nine. (But she had been in a nursing home for a long time and we had moved away, so I didn't really know her.) I never even had dinner at a mansion, much less lived in one! My Mom tells me stories about playing on the servants staircase that was in the back of the kitchen. She remembers all of it like it was yesterday. I love the stories. I will need to record them to pass on with the sofa someday.
So, I confess, I'm a Redneck by choice :) I grew up with candlelight and crystal chandeliers, and have one hanging in my dining room to this very day. (Only because my Mother insisted on buying it when we saw it at a thrift store). I live a simple life in a small town and never seem to have enough money to even do proper maintenance on the house. But I still appreciate sterling silver and fine china. I can celebrate my roots and still dig in the dirt.
I often wonder how many others are, like me, descendants of the people in this room. There must be a lot of us. We moved to Colorado when I was nine years old and that was the end of our family get-togethers on that side of the family. We were still close to my Grandparents, but we didn't go back to see any of the extended relatives. I asked my Mom why and she kind of gave me the run-around. I think she may have been treated poorly when she ended up being divorced after only a few years of marriage. Back then it was a pretty scandalous thing. And even if it wasn't the fault of the wife, she was forever the black sheep of the family. Mom has never said that, but I think that's what happened. I'll probably never really know. And after all these years it doesn't matter anyway. I would still like to know who my relatives are.
So, if you know anyone in this picture, let's talk family!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
No Time or Energy To Post
The house now belongs to my Sister and her husband, and the next time I come to see my folks it will be as a guest of my Sister. Construction has already begun on the Master bedroom and bathroom. (It was needed badly). I will be eternally grateful that they were willing to make this move so that Mom and Dad could stay in this house and be cared for by someone who loves them. I know they will be in good and loving hands for the rest of their days on this Earth. Still, this is hard. This forces me to accept the reality of their mortality. I don't want to face that. I need them. I will always need them.
Friday, April 12, 2013
This and That
From my Boss:
Monday, April 8, 2013
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
When The Sun Shines
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Coffee With Jesus
When I sat down and opened my little book, this is what today's lesson said:
"Be on guard against the pit of self pity. When you are weary or unwell, this demonic trap is the greatest danger you face. Don't even go near the edge of the pit. Its edges crumble easily, and before you know it you are on the way down. It is ever so much harder to get out of the pit than to keep a safe distance from it."
My reaction was a grateful heart followed by a fit of joyful giggles. I showed Tim and we laughed together.
What great timing. God is so good.
Today was much better. In fact, today was a great day!
I hope yours was too.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Bunch of Stuff
My son and his wife have separated and we didn't even know there was a problem. It makes me so sad. And I'm not sleeping well, in fact I've been up much of the last few nights. I have bad muscle cramps in my feet and legs at night, and sometimes they keep me walking the floor. Lack of sleep really gets my spirits down.
Then today I got this in my mailbox:
"This bill bans most modern firearms and magazines, requires that you register the ONE gun you will be allowed to own and allows for warrantless searches of your home.
This may be one of the most extreme anti-gun bills introduced in the nation.See the whole story at the following link:
Yeah, I'm a little blue.
And I'm tired.
So tired......
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Home, Home On The Range
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Let's Talk About Word Verification
Sunday, January 27, 2013
My body is telling me
Step away -
- Calm the heart -
Pray more -
- read the Bible more
Trust more -
- Fear less
And breathe.........
Sometimes I forget how much of an enemy stress is. The fight for our Constitutional rights is not going to go away but I will be no good to anyone if my permanent address changes!
I think it is time to turn off the news for a bit and refocus on the inside. Don't get me wrong - I'm not out of the fight,
..... I'm just reloading.
photo credit: Amy McTigue via photopin cc
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I Have Never Been So Proud of Oregon
Monday, January 14, 2013
Church With My Dad
Years ago he had to have a hip replaced and ended up with a blood clot in his lung. The clot was dissolved and the new hip was marvelous, but life changed after that. Soon the knees became bone on bone, but the doctors would not operate because of the history of blot clots. Still my Dad refused to give in to a wheelchair. He lives in a great deal of pain and yet praises God joyfully.
One of his biggest regrets is not being able to attend church very often anymore. He has a small travel chair that works similar to a real wheelchair, but it is not easy for my Mom to maneuver. So yesterday my sister and I loaded him in the car and off to church we went.
We got there between services and that gave Dad an opportunity to visit with many friends he hasn't seen in quite awhile. One of those friends helped us get him situated in the sanctuary just in time for the beginning of the service. He was beaming. It was so obvious that he was thrilled to be there.
The sermon was excellent and the congregation was invited to come forward to take communion. We waited until most of the people were through the lines and then my sister wheeled my Dad down the aisle to the table holding the silver trays. The table was too high for him to reach and so I was able to serve my Dad communion. It was incredibly emotional. My sister and I were streaming tears as she pushed his chair back up the aisle to return to our seats.
The rest of the service was powerful and uplifting, and by the time it was over we all knew it was a day we would never forget. What a gift to all of us. God is so good.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Missing The Gun Rally
Seriously, I will probably not be blogging much this week, although I will try.
I received an email this morning from Oregon Firearms Federation, passing on the schedule for a Pro-Gun rally at the state capital. If you live in the Pacific Northwest and can attend, it will be on the 19th of January in Salem. I understand people are coming from far and wide, and also that this will be taking place all over the country. Salem, Oregon is an OPEN CARRY, (unloaded) city. So if you go, please carry your gun. If you don't own a gun please go anyway to support your right to own one.
I will be flying over Salem about that time, on my way home. Bummer. I would have liked to attend. My husband can't attend either because he has to pick me up at the airport. Double bummer :( :(
Mom's up - gotta go!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Flannel Sheets
Have you ever slept on flannel sheets? I thought they would be miserable. The only sheets I wanted were high thread count and pretty dang expensive. And that was the problem, or at least most of the problem. I needed an extra set of king sized sheets because our bed is a king and the guest room is a king, and it’s nice to have a spare.
Anyway, I went to Costco to buy a set because the last set I bought from them was very nice and affordable. But what I got was not at all what I expected. The fabric was completely different and the sheets were way too deep for our bed. I should have taken them back, but I didn’t and I’ll only use them in a serious pinch.
Then shortly before Christmas, while walking through a local store I noticed the flannel sheets on sale for $20 for a complete king set. For $20 I had to at least try them. Guess what? I have never slept better in my entire life! I climb into bed at night and it’s warm. It’s like sleeping in a cocoon or something. I love it! In fact, when my Mom complained about being too cold at night I sent her a set. She had exactly the same reaction I had.
So, if you’ve never tried flannel sheets you are missing out.
And now I’m going to bed!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Farmers vs. Monsanto
On January 10, family farmers will enter a courtroom in Washington DC to take part in the appeal of OSGATA vs Monsanto et al, a court case filed to protect farmers from genetic trespass by Monsanto’s GMO seed, which contaminates organic and non-GMO farmer’s crops and opens them up to abusive lawsuits. In the past two decades, Monsanto’s seed monopoly has grown so powerful that they control the genetics of nearly 90% of five major commodity crops including corn, soybeans, cotton, canola and sugar beets.
In many cases farmers are forced to stop growing certain organic and conventional crops to avoid genetic contamination and potential lawsuits. Between 1997 and 2010, Monsanto admits to filing 144 lawsuits against America’s family farmers, while settling another 700 out of court for undisclosed amounts. Due to these aggressive lawsuits, Monsanto has created an atmosphere of fear in rural America and driven dozens of farmers into bankruptcy.
Farmers need your voice today. Just tell them you stand with them.
And please spread the word..
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Meet Mr. Lincoln – Made in the USA
I would like to send out a big “Thank You” to everyone that commented on my gun safe post. All of your comments were helpful, so thank you very much.
I can’t tell you how comforting it is to know that Mr. Lincoln has joined the family and will keep everything nice and secure. :)
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Ladies, Our Time Has Come
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Cool Metal Work
While perusing the classifieds at one of the local ranges I came across an ad for custom hitch covers. Way cool :) I contacted the artist, Tom, and got some more information.
There are quite a few models to choose from on his website. (, in the center of the page find the words”CLICK HERE” in red, then click on “weapons” and that will bring up pictures of the various models available. Keep in mind that these are life sized pieces. (In other words, you can’t have a rifle or a sword just because they are on the list.)
Below is a copy of his ad:
“Realistic pistol shaped and sized receiver hitch covers. You can also just have the flat piece by itself for use as a wall hanging or paper weight. These are heavy 3/16 plate, that's computer cut. The pistol can be welded onto the desired sized receiver tube. $35.00”
If you don’t have a hitch, how about a “No Parking” sign for your driveway? I love it. And it’s only $40.00. You’ll have to contact Tom for dimensions because I forgot to ask.
I do not know Tom, have never met him, and will receive no compensation for posting about his work. I just wanted to share something I found that I thought was very cool! So, go check it out :)