Sunday, January 27, 2013

My body is telling me

Step away -
                   - Calm the heart -

Pray more -
                   - read the Bible more

Trust more -
                    - Fear less

And breathe.........

Sometimes I forget how much of an enemy stress is.  The fight for our Constitutional rights is not going to go away but I will be no good to anyone if my permanent address changes!

I think it is time to turn off the news for a bit and refocus on the inside.  Don't get me wrong - I'm not out of the fight,
             ..... I'm just reloading.


photo credit: Amy McTigue via photopin cc


  1. Honey, I know the feeling. I have been do "down" by it all. And have had to do the refocus as well. I think we as conservatives are all still in the post-election shock mode. I know I am still walking around thinking
    " what the heck just happend" The people I really get upset with are those republicans who chose to stay home and not vote all because they didn't like Romney. Just really incites me.

    1. I know some people that said they were not going to vote for just that reason. I gave them a piece of my mind.
      Thanks for stopping by. I will still be posting but trying to focus on other things.

  2. Good for you. Relax, we have your six.

  3. I know what you mean. I check the Drudge Report once a week. I catch a small amount of the morning national news daily but I find that I can 'overload' quickly with all of the negative events and honestly the craziness.

    So I check in and then make the choice to step away for a time. We have conversations about what's happening as a family. Try to make wise decisions and then focus on our day to day. What else can we do??

    1. I read the Drudge too. It can really suck me in and the next thing I know I've read every story! I've made myself a promise to stay away from all internet news for at least a week. We'll see how far I make it!

  4. Always a good idea to step away and rest from time to time. Hope you find a little peace!!!

    1. Thanks, I think if I just redirect my thoughts for awhile I'll get back into balance :)
      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following, I am having to do the same thing I usually listen to talk radio all day and get on the internet for more news. I have also had to take a break. There has been some constitutional issues at my girls high school That I have been a little involved with ( I can’t do a whole lot because we are out of district and youngest has all ready been threatened for voicing her opinion) . I have talked to a couple people who are also having to take a break. I have to wonder if we are resting up for the fight to come. I have such a sense of urgency to finish up preps and learn skills that we are going to need.Can’t wait to explore your blog more looks like we have the same ideas about things

    1. Connie,
      You're welcome! I really liked what I saw and wanted to make sure I could find my way back :) Best way to do that is hit the "follow" button. I hope things work out at your daughters school. Things are really mind boggling out there. What ever happened to common sense? I feel the same sense of urgency as you. I've learned much but have so much more to learn.


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