Friday, April 12, 2013

This and That

Shortly before my last furlough I decided to take all of the pictures off of my bulletin board at work and start over.  I had only put a few pictures back up when I took my week off.  When I got back to work there was a sign pinned to the bulletin board next to my picture of Harriet (my deceased favorite chicken, in case you don't remember). 

From my Boss:

He cracks me up!  He's an old farm boy. He eats chickens, he doesn't take pictures of them. He also teases me without mercy, but it's okay because it keeps things real.  

Today we closed up the office and all went out to lunch.  One of our rock suppliers gave us a very nice gift certificate to the restaurant at a golf course.  I seldom go out to lunch with the guys, but I needed a change of scenery so I agreed to go.  (I wondered what the waitress was thinking when she saw one woman having lunch with six men.  Ha!)  We had a great lunch and guess what we talked about most of the time?  Guns.  Not one word about the political climate, or gun control, or anything like that.  Just stories about guns in their lives and finding them and losing them and messing up the sights, etc.. It was quite enjoyable.

I'll be heading back to sunny California next Tuesday for a couple of weeks.  My sister and her family are moving into my parents home and I'm bringing back a storage container full of  Mom's furniture. Things are going to get really crazy, very fast.  I will arrive on Tuesday and we have to be ready for a huge garage sale on Saturday. Yikes! 

I will be blogging from there on my net book.  My wonderful employers just upgraded my cell phone to an iPhone 5, so I should even be able to get some good photos.  I'll just have to figure out how to get them off the phone and onto the computer!  (One thing at a time).

Hopefully, by the time I get home those trees out back will be gone and the new pasture will be taking shape.  Hmmm.  We'll see. :)




  1. I like the chicken pic...I just email my photos from my Blackberry and then download to my computer pictures file. Have a great safe and fun trip.

  2. LOL

    Get yourself a drumstick bone, tie it up with a pretty ribbon and leave a note that says..."She sure was good!"

  3. Ha! What a great idea! He'd never fall for it though. He knows me too well.


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