Saturday, May 25, 2013


Help!  My blog has been hijacked!  Ok, not all of it but something weird has happened.  Do any of you remember a blog written by Kris Watson called Simply Living?  She also started a blog called Heritage Skills.  Well, the Heritage blog has been taken over by something called "Special Offers" and it's a marketing thing, AND I CAN'T GET RID OF IT.  I tried hiding the blog in my dashboard but I still get the feed right at the top of my list.  Why don't I just ignore it?  Because this is MY blog and I don't want their advertisements in my reading list.  I'm ticked.  Is anyone else being affected by this?  Does anyone know how to stop getting a feed that you no longer want?  Blogger says to go to the blog and "unfollow" the same way you sign up to follow.  Problem is, there is no way to do that on that site.

Any suggestions?????



  1. It could be a widget gone bad - I had that happen once. Or it could be a comment that has a 'bug' linked to it.

  2. Heck, I am so computer illiterate, I am of no help at all...but I will pray you get it fixed! Good to see you blogging again my friend!

    1. True Texan,
      I am pretty illerate too. If it doesn't do what it is "supposed" to do, I get lost in a hurry!


After getting multiple spam comments from Anonymous users, I have had to disable that part of my comments. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Please sign up and say hello!