Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ladies, Our Time Has Come

The following video is Carrie Lightfoot from The Well Armed Woman asking us to band together to protect our right to defend ourselves.  What she says is right - it would be very difficult for a politician to deny a woman the right to protect herself from harm.  We need to do this.  We need to become a very strong voice in this country.  We need to drown out the whining, sniveling voices of those that wish us harm, like Dianne Feinstein to name one.  I'm writing my representatives, will you join me?

By the way, if you would like to ask Ms. Feinstein why she believes she has the right to take away your self defense, here is her email address:




  1. Here's wishing you girls all the luck in the world...kick butt.

    1. Thanks Stephen. I think we are going to need it.

  2. Thanks for sharing this Red!

    1. DFW, you are welcome. I wish I could do more. But if everyone that see's the video passes it on, just maybe our voices will be loud enough to strike fear in the hearts of the "elected"! We can only hope!

  3. I think you're right. When my husband and I go anywhere, he is an impressive person. Just the person you would expect to be carrying concealed. But he's not.

    Me? I'm the little ol' lady at his side, with a 9mm in my belt.

    1. Good for you! I would feel very safe in your company :)
      Thanks for stopping by.


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